Wallingford Rod and Gun Club

We have an active membership!

Our membership is currently at capacity, but we welcome new applications for the waiting list.  Please print out a copy of the application.  Fill out the form and send it with your application fee to the address on the form.  Your application will be read at the next meeting and if approved you will be put on the waiting list.  You are also welcome to stop by and drop off your form and payment. 

Senior membership in the Wallingford Rod & Gun Club is open to all United States citizens over seventeen years. The Club offers many fine facilities for the outdoor sports enthusiast, including an 8 acre trout-stocked pond open year-round; standard archery course; 2 regulation trap fields with five station pads; a well maintained rifle range; a highly-rated 12 station sporting clay course across the pond; a dog training facility and pheasant, deer and turkey hunting on Club owned or leased property in Wallingford or one of its contiguous communities.

To become a member, one must submit an application to the Membership Secretary  along with a nonrefundable $15 application fee, plus $1.50 CT Dues Tax, total $16.50. (Check or Money Order Only) At that time, the application will be sequentially numbered and the applicant’s name will be placed on a waiting list. During this period, the applicant will be required to attend an orientation. Upon notification of acceptance of the application by the membership, the applicant must pay the first year’s membership dues and expenses within 15 days of notification. It is the applicant’s responsibility to keep the Club Membership Secretary apprised of any address, telephone number, or E-mail address changes during the waiting period. The Club Membership Secretary will not expend a significant amount of time and effort to locate applicants who have changed addresses since submitting this application.

Membership Process

Prospective Senior Members must complete a WRG Club application and submit the appropriate fee with it.  When received the Club Treasurer will process the application fee and date the application.  The application will go to the Membership Secretary.   The Membership Secretary will do a State of CT background check to validate criminal or game code violations that are recorded.  The prospective applicant will then need to complete one of the WRG Club Orientation Classes within one year from the date of the application to be moved to the waiting list for membership.  Failure to complete the Orientation will result in being dropped from consideration. Once the Orientation has been completed the applicant will be moved to the waiting list in order of the date the application was received. Candidates can be moved forward at any time during the year when a vacancy is opened.

The current first year cost of membership is $375.00. This cost comprises: annual dues of $240, land lease expense of $25.00, land acquisition expense of $25.00, $30 expense for birds, $30 expense for fish, $1 for the window decal and Connecticut Dues tax of 10% on the annual dues. The $25.00 land lease expense is levied on all new members for the first 5 years of membership after which it is dropped.

Once accepted, senior members can sponsor spouses and/or children for spousal or dependent membership at any time. Senior members are required to work on Club projects for a minimum of 15 hours each year or pay an additional annual labor assessment of $15.00 for each hour not worked. Labor assessment charges are taxed at the 10% CT Dues Tax rate. Yearly dues, assessments, taxes and expenses must all be paid by the October meeting. In signing and submitting an application, the applicant acknowledges that he/she has read the Club rules and bylaws and agrees to abide by them if accepted into the Club. Club Rules and Bylaws are available for review on the website and at any time the club house is open and are located on the activity sign out table on the main floor.

Senior membership application 2025.pdf

Spousal Application.pdf

Junior Appliction.pdf

Wallingford Rod and Gun Club © 2017 

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